Escape from Reality
Enter the Spiral Galaxy
The Spiral Galaxy was first discovered in the year 2004 by crop circle photographers Matt and Will after joining forces with Art the computer wiz. (Escape 2 Earth 2012 - novel) Together the three men discover that a clandestine alien origination named Earth’s Guardians had been planting ominous coded messages inside crop circles around the world warning that planet Earth would be destroyed by another planet that would enter the Earth’s solar system on December 21, 2012.
After eight long years of struggles, sabotage, and setbacks, the human race begins again on the pristine planet called Earth 2 more commonly referred to as New Earth located inside the Spiral Galaxy many light years away from the Milky Way. (Return 2 Earth - novel) The people of New Earth lacking knowledge of the region and sophisticated technology find themselves at a disadvantage. The Governments of New Earth unite in an effort to defeat a new ruthless enemy, the ruler of Otar named Taz, but in order to survive New Earth will need the support of the most powerful leaders in the entire galaxy a group known as the Planetary Alliance.
The most influential members of the 16 world’s organization are Lazon, Xanar, Natropi, Tygalon, Deltor, and Nep’o. Those who enter this strange galaxy will find out the hard way that danger does not always come in the form of living beings. For decades rumors have swirled through the region about an army of angry androids marooned on Akanon commonly referred to as the Planet of Doom. Of course these are only rumors because no one who has visited the planet in recent memory has ever returned to set the record straight. (Planet of Doom – short story)
On the planet of Deltor Koto-Ryin’s visions have become so vivid, so real that she confides in her friend (and soon to be Xanarian Oracle) Nolan. Her visions from more than 400 years ago are of Deltorian ancestors, the long since departed Queen Lora, and the mighty Deltorian Warriors. (The Visions of Koto-Ryin –series of 5 short stories)
Koto-Ryin is not the only having problems on Deltor. Princess Arianna and Prince Dante are in love and hope to be joined someday however to odds of such a union are slim since Prince Dante will one day become King of Xanar and Princess Arianna is Deltorian. (Secrets of a Deltorian Princess : The Quest to Save Xanar– coming soon)
After surviving the evacuation of Old Earth and new enemies’ humans have learned along the way that life with their new neighbors can also be enjoyable. Every year on Lazon you are invited to attend the week long Festival of Life, and the weather on Xanar, Lazon, and several of the Alliance planets is perfect everyday even though the skies are pink, or orange, depending on the time of day because they control the weather. The mega fun space ship Eros Star is the ultra modern 37 deck luxury vessel that carries more than 2,000 passengers. Life on the space cruise is great but one day something goes terribly wrong and a call is place to the intergalactic detective Da’Quan, his skills are needed to sort things out. (Murder on the Eros Star- coming soon)
The year is 2023 and people of New Earth are now looking back, wondering how it all started nearly thirty years ago. How was Old Earth really destroy and who was to blame? (Terror on Telderan – short story)
New Earth is safe and all is right with the world, our world but just when you thought it was all over someone is wreaking havoc with a dozen of the planets in the Spiral Galaxy and New Earth is asked to help in a big way. (Earth #2 redemption – coming 2011) Life is never dull in our new galaxy with whistling forest, secret gardens, artificial planets, and androids there is a lot to learn about our new neighbors in the Spiral Galaxy.